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  • You pictured a show I was at, do you still have the photos or where can I buy them?"
    I keep all the photos up and you can find them at this website:
  • How much are your sessions?
    If you would like to see my prices for my sessions, please see the 'investment' tab at the top of each page. This section will show you all the sessions I offer, the prices, the length of the session and what the session consists of.
  • "You can just photoshop that out right?""
    I can and will photoshop a pimple off, or adjust crazy fly away hairs, or take out any awkward people in the background of the photo. I won't however make you look lighter, or change your hair color. You're beautiful the way you are and I want to enhance that natural beauty through the photos I take of you.
  • I'm confused, it says you're in McPherson, but don't you live in Stillwater?"
    I'm a photographer working out of BOTH locations! My hometown is close to McPherson and that's where my family is. However, I currently live in Stillwater, OK where I work at Oklahoma State University. I do not mind coming home and seeing my family and friends and of course, taking your images. That being said, I will also gladly take pictures or book sessions in Manhattan, or Stillwater! (Travel charges may apply, let's chat for more info!)
  • Soo... how do I get the images after the session?
    After I cull and edit the images, I will upload all the good one, (where you aren't blinking, out of focus, lighting shots, etc) to an online gallery. I will send you the link to the album as well as a password. In the album you can download the images, buy prints, create a favorites list or share the album.
  • I want to share on social media, can I?"
    As long as the images have been DOWNLOADED from my website you are able to share them on social media. During livestock shows, I will have a larger watermark on my images and if you screenshot these images without purchasing the digital download, you may be subject to a $100 fine. HOWEVER, from a regular session or a livestock show where you have purchased/downloaded the images, please tag me or at least mention me in the post.
  • What if I don't want to choose the location?
    If you would rather not choose the location, I do have a few locations in the back of my brain, however you will have to travel to me for your shoot then.
  • Can I bring my pets to my session?
    In my world, that's not even a question. YES. YES. AND 100x YES!!
  • What's your turn around for images? How long will I have to wait to see my photos?
    My favorite part of taking photos is sending a sneak peek within 24 hrs of your session! I strive to return portrait session images back to you within 2-3 weeks and weddings within 6-8 weeks! I edit each image individually and want to make sure that all photos are held to a high standard and are perfect before giving them to you!
© Copyright Andrea Dawn Imaging
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